Friday, November 6, 2015

Aujourd’hui, j’ai envie d’aller à l’essentiel. Je n’ai pas une démarche de divertissement. Je veux que mon travail serve à quelque chose. On est dans un monde de matérialisme épouvantable, mais ce n’est pas ça le bonheur. Il faut arriver à vivre mieux avec moins. Je suis pour la décroissance.

-- Yann Arthus Bertrand

Cette citation est tirée d’une interview avec Direct Matin à l’occasion de sortie de son film « Human ».
Mais je sens que je ne serai jamais en paix sans la reconnaissance de ce que je suis réellement.

-- Une personne intersexuée
J’ai fait un énorme rejet de mes origines, frontal et violet. .. On a juste envie d’être accepté comme tout le monde. En grandissant, je me suis aperçu que tout ce qui m’arrive de bien, c’est grâce à mes origines.

-- Frédéric Chau

Cette citation est tirée d'une interview avec l'acteur de "Qu'est-ce qu'on a fait au bon Dieu" à l'occasion de la sortie de son autobiographie « Je viens de si loin ».
On me dit folle et irrévérencieuse. Non, je suis juste ouverte d’esprit et je vous montre ce qu’est la vraie vie. Si vous n’êtes pas vous-mêmes, vous allez souffrir de problèmes et de frustrations.

-- Peaches

Sunday, October 4, 2015

Here’s The Full Transcript Of Kanye’s Incredible VMA Vanguard Speech

-- MTV

Kanye West VMA Vanguard Speech 2015 MTV Video Music Awards MTV

-- MTV

How a dog named Jimmy became a fashion icon

-- Flickr

Taming the Mammoth: Why You Should Stop Caring What Other People Think

-- Wait But Why

Writer Jonathan Kozol on Losing His Dad To Dementia

-- Next Avenue

La Timidité, Cette Excuse Foireuse Qui Vous Empêche D’Avancer Avec Les Femmes !

-- Art de Séduire

Sunday, September 13, 2015

All you have to do to be the person you want to be is to let go of the anxiety that’s built up in your mind.

-- Russell Simmons
Ask yourself if what you're doing today is getting you closer to where you want to be tomorrow.

Demandez-vous si ce que vous faites aujourd'hui vous rapproche de l'endroit où vous voulez être demain.

-- Russell Simmons

Saturday, September 5, 2015

Ce fut aussi compliqué à écrire, pour une question de forme. Je ne suis jamais sûre d'arriver au bout. Et j'ai toujours cette angoisse de ne plus y arriver... Quand j'écris, j'ai une petite voix qui revient pour me dire, "c'est mauvais, ce que tu fais". Enfin, ce n'est pas nouveau.

-- Delphine de Vigan

Ces mots viennent en réponse à la question suivante posée lors d'une interview à propos de son nouveau livre "D'après une histoire vraie" : Vous aviez confié dans "Rien ne s'oppose à la nuit" combien l'écriture vous avait éprouvée. Ecrire ce dernier roman fut un soulagement ?
Parce que je cherche des personnages ! Il faut prendre des gens qui ont un fort caractère, qui ont des aspérités. Et surtout pas une animatrice télé interchangeable avec une autre. Ce qu'il faut dans l'émission, ce sont des gens qui se distinguent tout de suite.

-- Laurent Ruquier

Ces mots viennent en réponse à la question suivante posée lors d'une interview : La saison dernière, vous avez fait appel à des personnalités inattendues comme Cristina Cordula, pourquoi ?

Saturday, August 29, 2015

In his autobiography, ‘‘Black and White: The Way I See It,’’ Richard Williams describes toughening the girls’ ‘‘skin’’ by bringing ‘‘busloads of kids from the local schools into Compton to surround the courts while Venus and Serena practiced. I had the kids call them every curse word in the English language, including ‘Nigger,’ ’’ he writes. ‘‘I paid them to do it and told them to ‘do their worst.’ ’’ His focus on racism meant that the sisters were engaged in two battles on and off the court.

-- Claudia Rankine

The Meaning of Serena Williams

-- The New York Times

Serena Williams Still Has Tennis History to Make

-- New York

Friday, August 28, 2015

Serena Williams’s Moment, Forever

-- Grantland
I don’t touch a weight, because I’m already super fit and super cut, and if I even look at weights, I get bigger. For years I’ve only done Thera-Bands and things like that, because that’s kind of how I felt. But then I realized that you really have to learn to accept who you are and love who you are. I’m really happy with my body type, and I’m really proud of it. Obviously it works out for me. I talk about it all the time, how it was uncomfortable for someone like me to be in my body.

-- Serena Williams

Monday, August 10, 2015

Best Reply To A Relationship Complain Ever. This Is Genius.

-- geekfill
If you haven’t found your bliss yet, think back to the thing the other kids teased you about, the thing that made you different. Because often your bliss is not what others are doing or what others tell you to do. It’s individual to you. It’s your path, not anyone else’s.

-- Colleen Newvine Tebeau

The above is the first of ten thoughts scribbled by Colleen Newvine Tebeau after watching "Finding Joe".  I noted it because it indicates that individuality is essential to one's bliss.
I was a giant. I was definitely the tallest and biggest girl all the way through high school. In middle school, I was about 175. Throughout high school, I played around 175, all the way up to 200. When I got to college, I stayed at about 200 pounds. And now I fluctuate between 210 and 215. But I embrace it. I love myself.

-- Amanda Bingson
I'll be honest, I like everything about my body. And I think it's because I moved from Las Vegas to Texas. In Vegas, I was bombarded with all of these "double zeros" and Abercrombie models, these little people coming in for shows. I never wanted to be a part of that, ever. And when I moved to Texas, everyone here is just so open about their bodies. I see these big girls in these tiny little bathing suits and I'm looking at them like, "Man, these girls are so confident!" Now I just think, "I'm just going to throw far because I'm confident with myself and I don't have to worry about what I look like anymore."

-- Amanda Bingson

Hammer thrower Amanda Bingson says athletes come in all shapes and sizes

Beaucoup de filles, de femmes connaissent le « walk of shame », la marche de la honte : rentrer chez soi en regrettant d’avoir couché avec quelqu’un. C’est quand on n’a plus honte qu’on est libérés ? 

Oui. C’est à passer par pertes et profits. Je n’ai jamais connu ça, la honte liée à la sexualité. Longtemps après, j’ai pu me dire : « Ce type était horrible, il s’est révélé un sale con ». Mais sur le moment, je n’ai jamais ressenti ce sentiment de honte. Je réfléchis mais je n’ai pas le souvenir.

-- Rue89 - L'Obs

This dialogue was copied from an interview with Catherine Millet, author of "La vie sexuelle de Catherine M."

Dix ans après, Catherine Millet vous reparle de sexe (et d'amour)

-- Rue89 - L'Obs

Capturing the secret lives of squirrels

-- Flickr

The Confession of Arian Foster

"Arian has always been a rebel at heart," says Humble Lukanga, Adrian Foster's business manager. "He's never been worried about backlash." The inference is clear: Somebody has to be. To Foster, though, the act of getting his story out there -- and the freedom it creates -- is a form of immunity.


This text was copied from an article on Arian Foster.
Always outspoken -- Foster has admitted to taking impermissible benefits at Tennessee -- his public unburdening seems to have unleashed a newfound freedom.


This text was copied from an article on Arian Foster.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

You know, just be who you are and deal with everything that comes with the territory.

-- Allen Iverson

Monday, July 13, 2015

envoyer une feuille de soins

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Saturday, May 16, 2015

Ma musique reste à l'image de qui je suis, de mes valeurs.

-- M. Pokora
J'ai pris mon temps pour faire cet album, parce que je voulais quelque chose qui me ressemble.

-- Louane
If we strip away our egos, desires, fears, and insecurities, all that would be left is happiness.

Si nous supprimons nos égos, désirs, peurs et insécurités, tout ce qui restera sera le bonheur.

-- Russell Simmons
Truely loving yourself means not seeking validation from others.  If you can learn to do that you'll achieve what many never will ;)

S'aimer vraiment soi-même signifie ne pas chercher la validation des autres.  Si vous pouvez apprendre à faire ça, vous parviendrez à réaliser ce que beaucoup ne feront jamais ;-)

-- Jérôme Jarre
Time is not money.  You can always have more money, but you will never get more time ;)

Le temps, ce n'est pas de l'argent.  On peut toujours avoir plus d'argent, mais on ne pourra jamais avoir plus de temps.

-- Jérôme Jarre
Souvenez-vous que la lumière vient de vous.

-- "Le Dictateur" du magazine Stylist se prenant pour la chanteuse Nneka

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

For various reasons previously indicated, I hold this book in very high regard and conclude my review of it with one more observation: The person whom Godin characterizes as "indispensable" is defined by what is indispensable to that person. It could well be, for example, a sincere desire to be of service to others. Or it could well be a sincere desire to offer unconditional "gifts" of trust, faith, respect, and candor.

-- Robert Morris

Robert Morris commenting on Seth Godin's "Linchpin".

What I like here is the assertion that an indispensable person is defined by what is indispensable to him.

Seth defines art as "the intentional act of using your humanity to create a change in another person" (p. 99). I love that. Seth acknowledges that when we give to others, the law of reciprocity kicks in and they will feel indebted to return our favor. But Seth reminded me that when we give to others with no expectation of anything in return, that posture of unconditional generosity changes us. It creates abundance in our lives and in the lives of those we connect with at work and in our communities. I've known that for a long time, but is always good to be reminded of it. Thanks, Seth.

-- Bret L. Simmons

Bret L. Simmons commenting on Seth Godin's "Linchpin".

What I like here is the creation of abundance in our lives simply by giving without expectation of anything in return.  In other words :

unconditional generosity = abundance

In his best-known book, Purple Cow, Seth’s message was, “Everyone’s a marketer now.” In All Marketers Are Liars, his message was, “Everyone’s a storyteller now.” In Tribes, his message was, “Everyone’s a leader now.”

And from Linchpin?

"Everyone’s an artist now."

By Seth’s definition, an artist is not just some person who messes around with paint and brushes, an artist is somebody who does (and I LOVE this term) “emotional work.”

Work that you put your heart and soul into. Work that matters. Work that you gladly sacrifice all other alternatives for.

-- Hugh MacLeod

Robert Morris reviewing Seth Godin's "Linchpin".

What I like here is the idea that I resonated with this book because I view myself not necessarily as a marketer, a storyteller, or a leader, but as an artist.  If an artist is somebody who does "emotional work", what I must do is "emotional work".  And what is emotional work?

Work that I put my heart and soul into.
Work that matters.
Work that I gladly sacrifice all other alternatives for.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Kanye’s been called crazy his whole career, but it’s his singular individuality that makes him impossible to imitate or replace.

-- Genius

Friday, April 10, 2015

Cette disparition est tragique. Elle illustre le fait que, dans la vie, on n’a pas le temps. Il faut profiter de chaque instant et ne pas laisser les journées s’écouler en se disant qu’on verra plus tard.

-- Teddy Riner

Teddy Riner commenting on the death of Alexis Vastine.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

PSG-Chelsea, le match des Wags

-- L'Equipe

Are You Emotionally Intelligent? Here’s How to Know for Sure

-- LinkedIn
For all their practice, preparation and confidence, even the best competitors in every sport have a voice of doubt inside them that says they are not good enough. I am lucky that whatever fear I have inside me, my desire to win is always stronger.

-- Serena Williams

Serena Williams: I’m Going Back to Indian Wells

-- Time
You are creating the obstacles that are preventing you from loving yourself.

-- Unknown

Slideshow: Rewinding Serena Williams' 18 Major Championships


Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Quand on écrit avec facilité, on croit toujours avoir plus de talent qu'on en a. Pour bien écrire, il faut une facilité naturelle et une difficulté acquise.

-- Joseph Joubert
C'est le travail qui importe. Sans travail, le talent n'est qu'un feu d'artifice: ça éblouit un instant, mais il n'en reste rien.

-- Roger Martin du Gard
Le talent sans génie est peu de chose, mais le génie sans talent n'est rien.

-- Gilbert Sinoué
Le génie sans travail n'est pas génie car il n'invente rien, le champion sans travail n'est pas champion car il ne gagne rien, la star sans travail n'est plus star car elle ne brille plus. Peu sont génies, champions ou stars mais tout un chacun peut aller au bout de ses capacités quand les conditions favorables à la mise en acte de sa bonne volonté sont réunies. Cette victoire fortifie et contribue grandement au bonheur. Oui, rien ne résiste au travail.

-- L'Express

Sunday, March 8, 2015

For me, the book is one of the things I've done.  I don't define myself an author, I wrote a book.  I don't define myself as a speaker, I speak because people invite me to speak and when they stop inviting me, I'll stop speaking.  But it's this cause, it's the idea, it's spreading the WHY to me that matters most.  And so you think you are talking about a book, I think we're talking about an idea.  And if it happens to be in a book, that means people can get all the details from the book and you can get it without me.  For me it's the joy of having a book.  Which is, I can spread the idea to more people than ever I can speak to.  So thank you for that, thanks for helping.

-- Simon Sinek

Simon made this quote during an interview on with Andrew Warner
My WHY is to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.  And I wake up every single day with that sense of purpose and cause to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.  And for me, the fun is trying to come up with all the new and different ways, what I can do to bring that to life.  Whether it's writing a book, or giving a podcast, or going on TV, or writing an article, or speaking, or anything else that probably has not being thought of yet.  For me the goal is to come up with all the different ways I can share my WHY, spread my WHY.  But the thing that motivates me everyday is not to write a book.  That's a horrible experience.  The thing that motivates me everyday is to give, is to share the WHY, to inspire people to do the things that inspire them.

-- Simon Sinek

Simon made this quote during an interview on with Andrew Warner
A model of pregnancy fitness, the singer Kelly Rowland (who is expecting her first child, a boy, with husband Tim Witherspoon) has been working out with a trainer five days a week throughout her trimesters. And her hard work shows: In October, the mom-to-be posed for with nothing but some light drapery to show off her toned physique. "It's really – I won't say amazing – it's Godmazing [laughs] watching your body carry a human," Rowland said of shooting in the buff. "Why wouldn't you want to celebrate that? The body should be celebrated."

-- People
Even though skimpy bikinis are part of the beach volleyball player's everyday life, posing in the buff was enough to make her "sweat bullets." But the three-time Olympic gold medalist Kerri Walsh Jennings overcame her insecurities and bared all on the cover of ESPN The Magazine, while pregnant and after giving birth to daughter Scout Margery last month. "When it came down to it, I had the opportunity to do something uncomfortable. I think that's an important part of life."

-- People

You can't say shit to Kanye West no more

-- Kanye West, "Last Call" interpretation: Nobody can tell Kanye what the fuck to do. He is what everyone wants to be… they own man.
Being a big fan of movies, Desplat set his sights on becoming a film composer from an early age and took actions to make this dream a reality as soon as he started thinking of building a career. He worked on his first film Le souffleur in 1986.

When recording the music for his first film, he met violinist Dominique Lemonnier who became his favorite soloist, artistic director and wife.

-- Wikipedia

A good example of what the Holstee manifesto says: If you're looking for the love of your life, stop; she'll be waiting for you when you start doing what you love.
When I was 16 years old, I tried to kill myself because I felt weird and I felt different and I felt like I did not belong. And now I'm standing here, and so I would like this moment to be for that kid out there who feels like she's weird or she's different or she doesn't fit in anywhere. Yes, you do. I promise you do. Stay weird. Stay different, and then when it's your turn and you are standing on this stage, please pass this same message to the next person who comes along.

-- Graham Moore, during this emotional speech after his win for best adapted screenplay for "The Imitation Game"
To get something you never had, you have to do something you never did.

-- Denzel Washington
The effect you have on others is the most valuable currency there is.

-- Jim Carrey, during his commencement address at the 2014 Maharishi University of Management
But you guys are way ahead of the game. You already know who you are and that peace, that peace that we’re after, lies somewhere beyond personality, beyond the perception of others, beyond invention and disguise, even beyond effort itself. You can join the game, fight the wars, play with form all you want, but to find real peace, you have to let the armor fall. Your need for acceptance can make you invisible in this world. Don’t let anything stand in the way of the light that shines through this form. Risk being seen in all of your glory.

-- Jim Carrey, during his commencement address at the 2014 Maharishi University of Management

Thursday, March 5, 2015

I think a lot of people are afraid of being happy because of what others might think of it. They're afraid to embrace that and embrace themselves and love themselves and do what they love and do what makes them happy.  It is very easy to get sucked into that way of thinking and working according to society, but you have to write your own story.  And my story is definitely going to be a happily ever after, no matter what.

-- Rihanna

Sunday, February 22, 2015

People will question all the good things they hear about you but believe all the bad without a second thought.

-- Unknown
You know all THOSE THINGS you've always wanted to do?  You should go DO THEM.

-- Anonymous
I want to sing like birds sing.  Not worrying who listens or what they think.

-- Rumi

Friday, February 20, 2015

Assumptions are the termites of relationships

-- Burton Brown Sr.
Make your vision so clear that your fears become irrelevant

-- Burton Brown Sr.
Money often costs too much.

-- Ralph Waldo Emerson
The most precious gift you can give someone is the gift of your time and attention.

-- Burton Brown Sr.
When another person makes you suffer, it is because he suffers deeply within himself, & his suffering is spilling over.

-- Thich Nhat Hanh
The only relationship we can have is the relationship we have with the "self." Everything else is a reflection of that relationship.

-- Iyanla Vanzant

Sunday, February 8, 2015


Une personne qui refoule ses instincts, ses pulsons sexuelles.
C'est un vieux garçon refoulé.


Retenir en soi (ce qui veut s'exprimer, se manifester).
Il a réussi à refouler ses larmes.
Elle refoule tous ses désirs.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Ca m'excite aussi de déboussoler mon public avec cet album.  J'aime le fait que ça va éloigner une certaine partie des gens.  C'est comme ça qu'un artiste doit être, déterminé et provocateur, plutôt que soumis.

-- Charlie Winston
On peut très bien détester mes chansons, mais je sais ce que je fais, et ça me rend heureux.

-- Charlie Winston

Kanye West Addresses His Critics

Ellen Raps for Kanye

Lyrics can be found on :

Salut Salon "Wettstreit zu viert" | "Competitive Foursome"

Porc Sauté au Piment Mariné

Le piment mariné est un piment assez gros et moins fort que le piment frais.

Ingrédients (pour 4 personnes) :
-500g de filet de porc coupé en lanières
-300g de carottes en fine julienne
-4 cuillerées à café de gingembre finement hâché
-8 cuillerées à café d'ail finement hâché (environ 10-11 gousses)
-4 ciboules chinoises finement coupée
-6 ou 8 piments marinés , pépins enlevés, finement hâchés

  -4 cuillerées à café de sauce de soja claire
  -4 cuillerées à café de vin chinois (de cuisine)
  -8 cuillerées à café de maïzena

  -1/2 cuillerée à café de sel
  -4 cuillerées à café de sauce de soja claire
  -8 cuillerées à café de sucre
  -6 cuillerées à café de vinaigre chinois (ou de xéres)
  -4 cuillerées à café de vin chinois
  -2 cuillerées à café de maïzena
  -6 cuillerées à soupe d'eau

Préparation de la recette :

Préparer la marinade en mélangeant les ingrédients, la sauce de soja claire, le vin chinois de cuisine et la maïzena.

Verser sur le porc coupé en lanières. Au besoin , ajouter un tout petit d'eau si la marinade est trop épaisse. Laisser mariner au moins 15 minutes.

Préparer la sauce. Mélanger tous les ingrédients de celle-ci dans un bol. Réserver.

Préparer le reste des légumes et condiments. Couper les carottes épluchées en julienne, hâcher le piment (sans les graines!!) l'ail, le gingembre et les ciboules.

Chauffer le wok sur feu fort. Ajouter 2 cuillerées à soupe d'huile. Cuire les carottes pendant envrion 1 minute avec 1/2 cuillerée à café de sel en mélangeant constamment. Enlever les carottes et les mettre de côté.

Remettre le wok vide sur feu fort et ajouter 3 cuillerées à soupe d'huile. Ajouter le porc. Bien séparer tous les morceaux et les faire colorer sur tous les côtés.

Ajouter les piments hachés, cuire quelques secondes, ajouter au besoin un peu d'huile (la cuisine chinoise est grasse!). Ajouter ensuite le gingembre, les ciboules et l'ail puis cuire 30 à 60 secondes. La cuisson au wok est très rapide!

Ajouter les carottes précuites, toujours en mélangeant!

Puis ajouter la sauce et cuire jusqu'à ce que celle-ci épaississe. Servir immédiatement!


This is Paris

-- Medium

Sened DHAB gets back at the FoxNews correspondent's errorneous remarks about Paris following the attacks on Charlie Hebdo.
Glad to see Kanye putting so much faith in a newcomer like this Paul guy. I'm always a fan of pushing undiscovered talent.

-- Anonymous

Following some releases on which Kanye West and Paul McCartney collaborated

Bon à Savoir : Un verre de vin est aussi bénéfique pour votre corps qu'une heure de sport !

-- Hitek

Paul sent this to us at work to convince us that wine had certain strange benefits over sport.

By Making A Game Out Of Rejection, A Man Conquers Fear

-- NPR

Venus Williams and The Best Ball Boys in the World ASB

Why You Are Stalled, Part II

-- LinkedIn

Hiroshi Mikitani, CEO of Rakuten, sheds some light on the importance of passion in a career.

Charlie Hebdo Tragedy Statement

-- LinkedIn

Conan O'Brien makes a statement regarding Charlie Hebdo.

Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Life loves those who dare to live. If you're afraid to change you may never grow.

-- Anonymous

Thanks to Evelyn

What If Money Was No Object ~ Alan Watts

What If Money Was No Object ~ Alan Watts from Edgar Alves on Vimeo.
The reason we love rebels and disruptors is that they do things we would love to do.

-- Karl Rhode

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Vulnerability sounds like truth and feels like courage.
Truth and courage aren’t always comfortable, but they’re never weakness.

-- Brené Brown
When our lives become pageants, we become actors. When we become actors, we sacrifice authenticity. Without authenticity, we can’t cultivate love and connection. Without love and connection, we have nothing.

-- Brené Brown

Thursday, January 15, 2015

Le yoga nu, une audacieuse « célébration du corps »

-- Le Monde

Zineb de « Charlie Hebdo » : « Il arrivait que l’on dise aux collègues : “Je vous aime” »

-- Le Monde

Charb, le rire d'abord

-- Le Monde

Georges Wolinski, dessinateur érotomane et pessimiste

-- Le Monde
We can’t live in a country without freedom of speech… Without it we’re dead.

-- Stéphane Charbonnier
As the murdered editor of Charlie Hebdo, Stéphane Charbonnier, who was threatened and firebombed before by extremists said. “We can’t live in a country without freedom of speech… Without it we’re dead.”

-- Sharon Waxman
If we don’t live our values, we don’t deserve to have them.

-- Sharon Waxman

We Must Publish, Print, Stand Our Ground

-- LinkedIn

Courtesy of Sharon Waxman, following the Charlie Hebdo attacks.

10 Ways to Develop Incredible Charisma (Yet Still Be Yourself)

-- LinkedIn

Courtesy of Jeff Haden

What I Learned About Life After Interviewing 80 Highly Successful People

-- LinkedIn

Courtesy of James Altucher.

Prof Deepak Malhotra - HBS - 2012 Speech to Graduating Harvard MBA Students