Sunday, March 8, 2015

For me, the book is one of the things I've done.  I don't define myself an author, I wrote a book.  I don't define myself as a speaker, I speak because people invite me to speak and when they stop inviting me, I'll stop speaking.  But it's this cause, it's the idea, it's spreading the WHY to me that matters most.  And so you think you are talking about a book, I think we're talking about an idea.  And if it happens to be in a book, that means people can get all the details from the book and you can get it without me.  For me it's the joy of having a book.  Which is, I can spread the idea to more people than ever I can speak to.  So thank you for that, thanks for helping.

-- Simon Sinek

Simon made this quote during an interview on with Andrew Warner