Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Thursday, December 25, 2014
7 Habits of Highly Confident People
-- LinkedIn
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
The Ten Layers of Absolute Freedom
The world is divided into angry people and free people.
Anger is a subset of fear. Maybe you are afraid to be lonely. Or afraid to be broke. Or afraid to die?
In 1994, 2001, 2005, 2008, and 2010 I was so angry and scared I didn't know what to do.
I thought I had to have a purpose, a goal. But this is BS.
There is only ONE purpose: TO BE FREE.
There are layers of freedom.
FIRST LAYER: Free from your own past and future. Which means: free of all regrets and petty hatreds from the past and anxieties and worries about the future.
#2: The next layer of freedom is to be free of other people's opinions of you. You never ride above the clouds if everyone is holding you down into the rain.
#3: The next layer: be free of the opinions of the masses.
#4: The next layer: be free of the word "CAN'T".
#5: The next layer of freedom: find someone who likes what you are doing.
#6: Now that people like something you are doing, start thinking of something you can charge for. A premium version of what you are doing.
#7: Another layer of freedom: ONLY do your best work 2-5 hours after you wake up.
#8: You don't need a lot to live like a king.
#9: Freedom is a path you choose every day.
#10: Final freedom layer: Realize that everyone you meet today has been sent down from an alien mother ship to teach you a lesson. Learn those lessons.
-- James Altucher
Anger is a subset of fear. Maybe you are afraid to be lonely. Or afraid to be broke. Or afraid to die?
In 1994, 2001, 2005, 2008, and 2010 I was so angry and scared I didn't know what to do.
I thought I had to have a purpose, a goal. But this is BS.
There is only ONE purpose: TO BE FREE.
There are layers of freedom.
FIRST LAYER: Free from your own past and future. Which means: free of all regrets and petty hatreds from the past and anxieties and worries about the future.
#2: The next layer of freedom is to be free of other people's opinions of you. You never ride above the clouds if everyone is holding you down into the rain.
#3: The next layer: be free of the opinions of the masses.
#4: The next layer: be free of the word "CAN'T".
#5: The next layer of freedom: find someone who likes what you are doing.
#6: Now that people like something you are doing, start thinking of something you can charge for. A premium version of what you are doing.
#7: Another layer of freedom: ONLY do your best work 2-5 hours after you wake up.
#8: You don't need a lot to live like a king.
#9: Freedom is a path you choose every day.
#10: Final freedom layer: Realize that everyone you meet today has been sent down from an alien mother ship to teach you a lesson. Learn those lessons.
-- James Altucher
The Ten Layers of Absolute Freedom
-- LinkedIn
James Altucher weighs in on the topic of freedom.
James Altucher weighs in on the topic of freedom.
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Monday, December 8, 2014
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Sunday, November 30, 2014
C'est mon meilleur poste, à 100%. Je contrôle mieux le match. Je touche le ballon tout le temps, je vais le chercher à droite, à gauche, je peux monter si Oscar redescend... Je me sens libre et en confiance. Parfois, ces dernières années, j'ai dû jouer en attaque, et je le faisais pour le bien de l'équipe, mais c'est à mon poste actuel que je me sens le mieux.
-- Cesc Fabregas
-- Cesc Fabregas
Monday, November 24, 2014
avec ses tripes
Acteur qui joue avec ces tripes, avec ce qu'il a de plus profond
Oui cela m'a permis de comprendre ma place et d'évacuer la peur des autres. Avec ce disque, j'arrive à davantage m'exprimer sur ma musique, je n'ai plus peur. Si je le fais avec mes tripes, et que je réussis à l'accoucher poétiquement, il n'y a pas de raison que je n'arrive pas à utiliser des mots simples.
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "A titre personnel, vous sentez-vous davantage en phase avec vous-même ?"
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "A titre personnel, vous sentez-vous davantage en phase avec vous-même ?"
Les artistes ont la possibilité d'élargir le regard du public, et ce n'est pas anodin. Ils sont devenus aussi importants que les mathématiciens, les scientifiques ou les politiciens.
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "Avez-vous le sentiment d'avoir un statut particulier en tant que chanteur ?"
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "Avez-vous le sentiment d'avoir un statut particulier en tant que chanteur ?"
Sunday, November 23, 2014
La définition d'un artiste, c'est de savoir se mettre en danger, d'expérimenter pour aller chercher plus loin.
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "Le succès populaire peut-il parfois se transformer en handicap ?"
-- Julien Doré
So he said in an interview when asked "Le succès populaire peut-il parfois se transformer en handicap ?"
Oxmo et moi, on n'est pas juste des musiciens, on aime expérimenter. On est des chercheurs. Des fois, on se plante. Mais avec Alice, on ne s'est pas planté.
-- Ibrahim Maalouf
-- Ibrahim Maalouf
Mais lorsque je suis revenue en métropole ... j'ai eu du mal à retrouver un emploi. Comme je ne trouvais rien qui me plaise vraiment, j'ai voulu créer mon entreprise.
-- Christelle Martinez
So she said in an interview when asked "Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de créer votre entreprise ?"
-- Christelle Martinez
So she said in an interview when asked "Pourquoi avez-vous choisi de créer votre entreprise ?"
Epanoui au Real Madrid, Raphaël Varane n'oublie pas son club formateur, le RC Lens. "Il pense y revenir quand il aura 35 ans et une armoire à trophées bien remplie", a confié à "France Football" son frère Anthony.
-- 20 Minutes
Note that Raphaël Varane is currently 21 years old.
-- 20 Minutes
Note that Raphaël Varane is currently 21 years old.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Tant pis pour ceux qui pensent cela.
-- Audrey Pulvar
So she said supposedly in an interview when told "On entend souvent qu'exprimer ses convictions n'est pas compatible avec le journalisme ..."
-- Audrey Pulvar
So she said supposedly in an interview when told "On entend souvent qu'exprimer ses convictions n'est pas compatible avec le journalisme ..."
Tuesday, November 4, 2014
riz mexicain
Temps de préparation : 20 minutes
Temps de cuisson : 30 minutes
Ingrédients (pour 2 personnes) :
- 120 g de riz
- 1 oignon
- 1 poivron rouge et 1 vert
- 1 gousse d'ail
- 1/2 petite boîte de maïs
- 2 cuillères à soupe de petits pois surgelés
- 2 cubes de bouillon de volaille
- 1 petite boîte de concentré de tomates
- huile
- sel et poivre
Préparation de la recette :
Faire revenir à l'huile l'oignon et les poivrons coupés en petits dés. Lorsqu'ils commencent à dorer, ajouter le riz.
Lorsque les grains de riz sont dorés, ajouter le maïs et les petits pois. Saler et poivrer.
Retirer du feu, ajouter la gousse d'ail pilée et mélanger.
Ajouter une partie du bouillon de poulet (de manière à ce qu'il recouvre largement le riz) que l'on aura prálablement préparé et auquel on aura ajouté le concentré de tomates.
Faire cuire à feu moyen, en remuant de temps en temps pour éviter que le riz ne colle au fond de la casserole et jusqu'à ce que le riz soit cuit et le bouillon absorbé (environ 20 min). Ajouter du bouillon, si besoin, en cours de cuisson.
Temps de cuisson : 30 minutes
Ingrédients (pour 2 personnes) :
- 120 g de riz
- 1 oignon
- 1 poivron rouge et 1 vert
- 1 gousse d'ail
- 1/2 petite boîte de maïs
- 2 cuillères à soupe de petits pois surgelés
- 2 cubes de bouillon de volaille
- 1 petite boîte de concentré de tomates
- huile
- sel et poivre
Préparation de la recette :
Faire revenir à l'huile l'oignon et les poivrons coupés en petits dés. Lorsqu'ils commencent à dorer, ajouter le riz.
Lorsque les grains de riz sont dorés, ajouter le maïs et les petits pois. Saler et poivrer.
Retirer du feu, ajouter la gousse d'ail pilée et mélanger.
Ajouter une partie du bouillon de poulet (de manière à ce qu'il recouvre largement le riz) que l'on aura prálablement préparé et auquel on aura ajouté le concentré de tomates.
Faire cuire à feu moyen, en remuant de temps en temps pour éviter que le riz ne colle au fond de la casserole et jusqu'à ce que le riz soit cuit et le bouillon absorbé (environ 20 min). Ajouter du bouillon, si besoin, en cours de cuisson.
salade croquante de dinde à la mexicaine
Liste ingrédients (pour 4-5 personnes)
Pour la marinade :
Escalopes de dinde : 6
Sel fin : 2 pincées
Huile d'arachide : 5cl
Chili (épices) : 4g
Pour la reste de la recette :
Huile d'olive : 2cl
Tomates : 3
Mais en grain : 150g
Oignon rouge : 1
Avocats : 2
Citrons verts : 2
Mesclun de salade : 300g
Sel fin : 6 pincées
Moulin à poivre : 6 tours
Pour la marinade :
Pour le reste de la recette :
Repartir les feuilles de mâche et les différents légumes en assiettes creuses, puis les arroser de vinaigrette. Ajouter les morceaux de dinde et servir aussitôt.
Pour la marinade :
Escalopes de dinde : 6
Sel fin : 2 pincées
Huile d'arachide : 5cl
Chili (épices) : 4g
Pour la reste de la recette :
Huile d'olive : 2cl
Tomates : 3
Mais en grain : 150g
Oignon rouge : 1
Avocats : 2
Citrons verts : 2
Mesclun de salade : 300g
Sel fin : 6 pincées
Moulin à poivre : 6 tours
Pour la marinade :
- Tailler les escalopes en lamelles de 1cm de large puis en petits moceaux et les saler avec du sel fin.
- Dans un bol, mélanger tous les ingrédients de la marinade et laisser mariner la dinde pendant 1h.
Pour le reste de la recette :
- Epulcher et émincer l'oignon rouge.
- Egoutter le maïs.
- Laver les feuilles le salade et les essorer.
- Couper les tomates en dés de 1cm.
- Epulcher les avocats et enlever le noyau, puis les couper en dés et les arroser avec les jus d'un citron vert.
- Réaliser la vinaigrette en mélangeant le jus du 2ème citron avec le sel fin et le poivre, puis en ajoutant progressivement l'huile d'olive.
- Dans une poêle, faire sauter les morceaux de dinde marinée pendant 1min de chaque côté.
Repartir les feuilles de mâche et les différents légumes en assiettes creuses, puis les arroser de vinaigrette. Ajouter les morceaux de dinde et servir aussitôt.
Thursday, October 30, 2014
Tuesday, October 28, 2014
Monday, October 27, 2014
feature your insecurities
Love being weird
Obliterate the habit of hesitation
Vanquish the fear of real rejection
Embrace both familiar and unfamiliar people
Regard beautiful women
Obliterate the habit of hesitation
Vanquish the fear of real rejection
Embrace both familiar and unfamiliar people
Regard beautiful women
The biggest enemy that you are going to have to deal with is yourself.
There's an old African proverb that says if there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.
-- Kalib Singh
There's an old African proverb that says if there's no enemy within, the enemy outside can do us no harm.
Monday, October 20, 2014
Sunday, October 19, 2014
Les humains doivent être aimés et les biens matériels utilisés. Hélas, chez nous, les biens matériels sont aimés et les humains utilisés.
-- MrKheiron
-- MrKheiron
What holds most people back isn't the quality of their ideas, but their lack of faith in themselves.
Les gens se retiennent souvent non pas à cause de la qualité de leurs idées, mais de leur manque de foi en eux-mêmes.
-- Russell Simmons
Les gens se retiennent souvent non pas à cause de la qualité de leurs idées, mais de leur manque de foi en eux-mêmes.
-- Russell Simmons
Monday, October 6, 2014
Passion is a result. Passion is like profit. If you make certain steps and you end the day with more than you began with, we call that profit, usually measured in money. Well passion is also a result. If you invest in things that you believe in, and the outcome helps advance that cause, that hard work that you put in is called passion. You don't start something with passion. I'm passionnate but not if you put in me in an accounting job. I got no passion. And even if you tell me it is an accounting job to do good in the world, I still got no passion ... Passion is a result. Passion is a feeling you get as a result as being a part of something that you believe in.
-- Simon Sinek
-- Simon Sinek
simon sinek,
I love the honesty in this comments board and in the talk. I hear Sarah wanting you to shine in your own way - find your own voice, speak your own truth, write your own poem (or song or painting or dance or story or, or, or...)
Its not your job to like hers. its your job to like yours.
So many people who donate poems to me on the pavements need this little reminder. When they get it, they shine. A great teacher can show the way, so can a friend.
-- Poem Catcher
This was a comment posted 3 years ago on the TED talk "If I should have a daughter ..." by Sarah Kay.
Sunday, October 5, 2014
The one characteristic and I've only been able to find one that I am absolutely comfortable saying that all great leaders have, only one, is courage, because sometimes, being a leader means you have to go first. In fact, that's why we call them leaders. Everyone in the organization knows what needs to be done, but who's gonna volunteer to do it?
-- Simon Sinek
-- Simon Sinek
simon sinek
First started hooping July 2011. Life hasn't been the same since.
-- Rachael Lust
No need to worry what people think about you because most people aren't thinking about you.
-- Simon Sinek
-- Simon Sinek
simon sinek
Friday, August 1, 2014
A World Cup to remember
One journalist's recap of the 2014 FIFA World Cup in Brazil.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
POWER (sic transit gloria Kanye)
-- RapGenius
An excerpt from Graves' brand-new book on Kanye West’s masterpiece My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Part of Bloomsbury’s 33 1/3 series on classic albums. In this section, Graves examines Yeezy’s power, in song and otherwise
-- RapGenius
An excerpt from Graves' brand-new book on Kanye West’s masterpiece My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy. Part of Bloomsbury’s 33 1/3 series on classic albums. In this section, Graves examines Yeezy’s power, in song and otherwise
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Monday, June 2, 2014
We have discovered that there is
a set of human strengths that are the most likely buffers against
mental illness: courage, optimism, interpersonal skill, work ethic,
hope, honesty and perseverance. Much of the task of
prevention will be to create a science of human strength whose mission
will be to foster these virtues in young people.
The article had said this beforehand:
In 1998 Martin Seligman won election to a one-year term as President of the American Psychological Association and proposed a new focus: on healthy individuals rather than on pathology.
I have learned from past
experiences to keep going, forget the chances you have missed and to
keep persevering and a chance will come.
-- Gareth Bale
The article had said this beforehand:
It could have all been different
for Bale and Real, after he spurned three good chances to score before
heading in his side's vital second goal at the Estadio da Luz.
Sunday, June 1, 2014
Friday, May 30, 2014
"I got out of my own way," he said. "I was thinking too much. I was worrying about what you guys (the media) were saying. I was worrying about what shots I was going to shoot throughout a game. I was thinking too much, and the game of basketball is played off of instincts.
-- Kevin Durant
This comment came after Kevin Durant scored 33 points in a 120-109 victory by the Oklahoma City Thunder against the Memphis Grizzlies in a first-round NBA playoff game.
-- Kevin Durant
This comment came after Kevin Durant scored 33 points in a 120-109 victory by the Oklahoma City Thunder against the Memphis Grizzlies in a first-round NBA playoff game.
Thursday, May 1, 2014
Things to do once in a lifetime. Israel: Land of Creation
Things to do once in a lifetime
Free your mind
Fall in love
Take a bite out of life
Learn to let go
Never stop
Reach for the top
Things to do once in a lifetime. Israel: Land of Creation
Things to do once in a lifetime
Kiss a prince
Marry your queen
Complete a marathon
Be a champion
Make your mark
Create a life
Dare to fly
Don't be shy
Once in a life time. Israel: Land of Creation. FR.
A faire une fois dans sa vie
Libérér votre esprit
Tomber amoureux
Croquer la vie à pleine dents
Savoir lâcher prise
Ne jamais renoncer
Atteindre des sommets
Once in a life time. Israel: Land of Creation. FR. 40 Sec
A faire une fois dans sa vie
Embrasser un prince
Epouser une reine
Courir un marathon
Devenir champion
Laisser votre empreinte
Donner la vie
Vous envoler
Vaincre votre timidité
Trying to explain why some people are mean, my two year old interrupts and says... "Maybe they just need love"
J'essayais d'expliquer pourquoi certaines personnes sont méchantes quand ma fille de 2 ans est intervenue et a dit : "Peut-être qu'ils ont juste besoin de l'amour."
-- P!nk
J'essayais d'expliquer pourquoi certaines personnes sont méchantes quand ma fille de 2 ans est intervenue et a dit : "Peut-être qu'ils ont juste besoin de l'amour."
-- P!nk
Sunday, April 27, 2014
People don't believe what you tell them.
They rarely believe what you show them.
They often believe what their friends tell them.
They always believe what they tell themselves.
-- Seth Godin
More quotes from Seth Godin here:
They rarely believe what you show them.
They often believe what their friends tell them.
They always believe what they tell themselves.
-- Seth Godin
More quotes from Seth Godin here:
C'était l'envie initiale : j'ai fait la BD parce que je n'arrivais pas à monter le film et que je ne voulais pas que mon scénario pourrisse dans un tiroir.
-- Darren Aronofsky
A response given by the director of the film "Noé" to the question "Vous aviez déjà signé une BD sur Noé. Pourquoi en faire un film ?", as part of an interview with Métronews that was reported on April 9, 2014.
-- Darren Aronofsky
A response given by the director of the film "Noé" to the question "Vous aviez déjà signé une BD sur Noé. Pourquoi en faire un film ?", as part of an interview with Métronews that was reported on April 9, 2014.
Le client idéal? Celui qui a, à la fois, des contraintes, impose un cahier des charges, me fait confiance et a un vrai budget.
-- India Mahdavi
-- India Mahdavi
Quand j'ai eu mon fils, je me suis sentie soudainement mal à l'aise, à cause de mon héritage culturel que je ne connais pas, au final ... je ne parle même pas l'arabe!
-- India Mahdavi
-- India Mahdavi
Saturday, April 26, 2014
What kind of fear? No, not the kind that prevents you from
hopping on a motorbike going 100 mph down the speedway, which is likely
what Felix does before breakfast every morning. I'm talking about "good
fear" — the kind that drives you to do the really hard things because if
you didn't, you couldn't live with yourself. Like many of us, Felix
was fearless and fearful at the same time. At one point, he was so
scared about the mission he literally fled the project for several
So what did the team do? They found a replacement. And what happened to Felix? He got jealous and returned to the mission. The leaders of the mission knew to tap into that one fear that drives greatness - the fear of regret. It is not a "bad fear" which is the kind that limits you; it is a "good fear" because it motivates you. Can you imagine how Felix would feel if someone else had accomplished what he set out to do?
-- Betty Liu
This quote was extracted from Betty Liu's article "Career Curveballs: Fear Can Be a Powerful Friend" on LinkedIn
So what did the team do? They found a replacement. And what happened to Felix? He got jealous and returned to the mission. The leaders of the mission knew to tap into that one fear that drives greatness - the fear of regret. It is not a "bad fear" which is the kind that limits you; it is a "good fear" because it motivates you. Can you imagine how Felix would feel if someone else had accomplished what he set out to do?
-- Betty Liu
This quote was extracted from Betty Liu's article "Career Curveballs: Fear Can Be a Powerful Friend" on LinkedIn
I like the idea of all the forgettable Wednesdays, but otherwise you take a fairly simple equation and make it far too complicated. Too many references to research. Do you check research to choose your friends? Choosing a life partner is simple. Step 1: Love yourself Step 2: Find someone you love, who loves you back. Step 3: Be willing to work at it
-- Ann Faison
A comment on the article "How to Pick Your Life Partner – Part 2"
I hate men who are afraid of women's strength.
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:-- Anaïs Nin
You live like this, sheltered, in a delicate world, and you believe you are living. Then you read a book… or you take a trip… and you discover that you are not living, that you are hibernating. The symptoms of hibernating are easily detectable: first, restlessness. The second symptom (when hibernating becomes dangerous and might degenerate into death): absence of pleasure. That is all. It appears like an innocuous illness. Monotony, boredom, death. Millions live like this (or die like this) without knowing it. They work in offices. They drive a car. They picnic with their families. They raise children. And then some shock treatment takes place, a person, a book, a song, and it awakens them and saves them from death. Some never awaken.
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:-- Anaïs Nin
If you do not breathe through writing, if you do not cry out in writing, or sing in writing, then don't write, because our culture has no use for it.
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:-- Anaïs Nin
I am lonely, yet not everybody will do. I don't know why, some people fill the gaps and others emphasize my loneliness. In reality those who satisfy me are those who simply allow me to live with my ''idea of them."
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:-- Anaïs Nin
I, with a deeper instinct, choose a man who compels my strength, who makes enormous demands on me, who does not doubt my courage or my toughness, who does not believe me naive or innocent, who has the courage to treat me like a woman.
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:-- Anaïs Nin
We don't see things as they are. We see them as we are.
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:
-- Anaïs Nin
More quotes from Anaïs Nin here:
flow reference (2)
An overview of the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience".
An overview of the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience".
flow reference (1)
An overview of the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience".
An overview of the book "Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience".
Friday, April 18, 2014
Thursday, April 10, 2014
Wednesday, April 9, 2014
If you need to conceal your true nature to get in the door, understand that you'll probably have to conceal your true nature to keep that job.
-- Seth Godin
-- Seth Godin
Monday, April 7, 2014
Nous sommes tous le sauvage de quelqu’un. Une fois que l’on en a pris conscience, la déconstruction de cette invention peut commencer.
-- Bintou Dembélé
-- Bintou Dembélé
J'ai cinquante ans et j'ai toujours vécu libre. Laissez-moi terminer mon existence libre. Quand je serai mort, il faudra qu'on dise de moi : "Celui-là n'a jamais appartenu à aucune école, à aucune église, à aucune institution, à aucune académie, surtout à aucun régime, si ce n'est celui de la liberté."
I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom. Let me end my life free. When I am dead let this be said of me: "He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any regime except the regime of liberty."
-- Gustave Courbet
I am fifty years old and I have always lived in freedom. Let me end my life free. When I am dead let this be said of me: "He belonged to no school, to no church, to no institution, to no academy, least of all to any regime except the regime of liberty."
-- Gustave Courbet
Friday, April 4, 2014
Empowered by the Gospel message of Jesus, Holy Cross, a Catholic high school, develops young men and women to become life-long learners and well-informed citizens through dynamic spiritual, academic, co-curricular, and community activities.
-- Holy Cross High School
Here's a possible example of a WHY
-- Holy Cross High School
Here's a possible example of a WHY
I've been fortunate enough to have some amazing experiences in my
life so far. I've trekked to one of the highest base camps in the
Himalayas, meditated with Tibetan monks in the Dalai Lama's monastery,
earned my US Army Infantry patch, walked 550 miles across Spain, lived
in Paris, been the only non-black, non-woman member of the Black Women's
writers' group, written a novel, held the hands of dying patients, and
worked with some of the best people in Silicon Valley.
But the most transformative experience has been the simple act of loving myself.
-- Kamal Ravikant
But the most transformative experience has been the simple act of loving myself.
-- Kamal Ravikant
Miami et ça repart
-- L'Equipe
L'an dernier, Serena Williams avait lancé sa saison en Floride. Cette année, elle a encore retrouvé sa superbe sur ses terres.
-- L'Equipe
L'an dernier, Serena Williams avait lancé sa saison en Floride. Cette année, elle a encore retrouvé sa superbe sur ses terres.
Sunday, March 30, 2014
People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions distroyed....
Les gens ne veulent pas entendre la vérité car ils ne veulent pas voir leurs illusions détruites.
-- Vincent McDoom
Les gens ne veulent pas entendre la vérité car ils ne veulent pas voir leurs illusions détruites.
-- Vincent McDoom
I had everything I'd hoped for, but I wasn't being myself. So I decided to be honest about who I was. It was strange: The people who loved me for being funny suddenly didn't like me for being... me.
-- Ellen DeGeneres
-- Ellen DeGeneres
Wednesday, March 26, 2014
Beautiful Freaks: Tim Burton's Celebrations of Specialness
Excerpt from the book "The Secret Life of Movies: Schizophrenic and Shamanic Journeys in American Cinema" by Jason Horsley.
Excerpt from the book "The Secret Life of Movies: Schizophrenic and Shamanic Journeys in American Cinema" by Jason Horsley.
Monday, March 24, 2014
Ma mère, qui était une activiste, nous emmenait souvent dans les banlieues défavorisées de Mexico. Pendant qu'elle aidait les femmes, nous jouions avec leurs enfants. Chaque fois que je rentrais à la maison, j'étais angoissée, presque écoeurée. Je ne comprenais pas que l'on puisse vivre dans une telle misère. J'ai questionné ma mère. Elle m'a répondu : "Le mode est comme ça, il est injuste. Au lieu de ressasser ta colère, utilise-là."
-- Lydia Cacho
-- Lydia Cacho
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School est un atelier éphémère de dessin de modèles vivants. Son but : dépoussiérer le cours de dessin classique, beaucoup trop sérieux...
Dr. Sketchy's Anti-Art School est un atelier éphémère de dessin de modèles vivants. Son but : dépoussiérer le cours de dessin classique, beaucoup trop sérieux...
Sunday, March 16, 2014
La recette originale du Tiramisu selon Galbani
Ingrédients pour 6 personnes :
500g de Mascarpone Galbani
5 oeufs
5 cuillères à soupe de sucre blanc en poudre
40 biscuits à la cuillère
2 tasses de café fort non sucré
2 cuillères à soupe de Marsala (vin d'origine italienne)
Cacao amer en poudre non sucré
Temps de préparation :
20 minutes
Les astuces de Galbani pour un tiramisu inratable :
Ingrédients pour 6 personnes :
500g de Mascarpone Galbani
5 oeufs
5 cuillères à soupe de sucre blanc en poudre
40 biscuits à la cuillère
2 tasses de café fort non sucré
2 cuillères à soupe de Marsala (vin d'origine italienne)
Cacao amer en poudre non sucré
Temps de préparation :
20 minutes
- Séparez les blancs d'oeufs des jaunes. Fouettez les jaunes d'oeufs avec le sucre jusqu'à ce que le mélange blanchisse. Incorporez le mascarpone, bien mélanger.
- Montez les blancs d'oeufs en neige et incorporez-les délicatement à la préparation.
- Mélangez ensuite le café refroidi et le Marsala dans une assiette creuse, trempez-y rapidement les biscuits. Disposez la moitié des biscuits dans le fond d'un plat (type plat à gratin), recouvrez avec la moitié de la préparation, puis disposez le reste des biscuits et terminez par le reste de préparation.
- Laissez reposer au réfrigérateur au moins 3h (idéalement 12h).
- Au moment de servir, saupoudrez le Tiramisu de cacao en poudre à travers un tamis.
Les astuces de Galbani pour un tiramisu inratable :
- Utilisez des oeufs extra-frais.
- Préférez le batteur électrique au fouet dans toutes les étapes de mélange, sauf pour l'incorporation des blancs en neige qui doit se faire délicatement avec un mélanger manuel.
- Montez les blancs en neige très fermes en vous assurant d'utiliser un batteur propre.
- N'imbibez pas trop vos biscuits 2-3 seconds suffisent.
- Laissez reposer le tiramisu au moins 3h au réfrigérateur avant de servir.
Saturday, March 15, 2014
I don't think people realize how much energy I put into my shows & how much their bad energy brings me down.
Je ne pense pas que les gens réalisent toute l'énergie que je mets dans mes spectacles et combien leur mauvaise énergie me casse le moral.
-- Miley Ray Cyrus
Je ne pense pas que les gens réalisent toute l'énergie que je mets dans mes spectacles et combien leur mauvaise énergie me casse le moral.
-- Miley Ray Cyrus
Friday, March 14, 2014
figure drawing
-- Studio Mysteries
Interesting record of a woman's experiences while improving her art technique
-- Studio Mysteries
Interesting record of a woman's experiences while improving her art technique
The No. 1 Time Management Mistake Capable People Make
-- LinkedIn
Another perspective on the focus-on-only-one-thing idea.
Another perspective on the focus-on-only-one-thing idea.
Thursday, March 13, 2014
Sunday, March 2, 2014
Fela Kuti: Olufela Olusegun Oludotun Ransome-Kuti | Yoruba Cultural Institute
-- Yoruba Cultural Institute
Here is an excerpt:
One of the most famous, international Yoruba icons in history is Fela Kuti. Fela is well known for his keen and creative sense of music and his strong, bold political views and actions. Fela Kuti was a multi-instrumentalist, composer and musician; a human rights activist, pioneer of afro-beat, and was politically orthodox. Although many people knew him as Fela Kuti, his full name was Olufela Olusegun Oludotun Ransome-Kuti. In the Yoruba culture it is very common that names have meaning, even as a prayer. The following are the meaning of the names of Fela: Olufela- God expands wealth; Olusegun- God is victorious; Oludotun- God becomes new.
-- Yoruba Cultural Institute
Here is an excerpt:
One of the most famous, international Yoruba icons in history is Fela Kuti. Fela is well known for his keen and creative sense of music and his strong, bold political views and actions. Fela Kuti was a multi-instrumentalist, composer and musician; a human rights activist, pioneer of afro-beat, and was politically orthodox. Although many people knew him as Fela Kuti, his full name was Olufela Olusegun Oludotun Ransome-Kuti. In the Yoruba culture it is very common that names have meaning, even as a prayer. The following are the meaning of the names of Fela: Olufela- God expands wealth; Olusegun- God is victorious; Oludotun- God becomes new.
Saturday, March 1, 2014
Les barrières que je m'étais imposées seul, l'entreprise les a fait sauter. On a toujours mis tous les moyens logistiques à ma disposition pour que je n'aie à me concentrer que sur mon travail et être un employé comme un autre.
-- Cedric Mocellin, PMR qui officie à la direction des achats du groupe EDF
-- Cedric Mocellin, PMR qui officie à la direction des achats du groupe EDF
Les sages parlent parce qu'ils ont quelque chose à dire ; les imbéciles parlent parce qu'ils ont à dire quelque chose.
-- Platon
-- Platon
Thursday, February 27, 2014
Saturday, February 15, 2014
Sunday, February 9, 2014
Soyez vrais et allez mieux
A recommander à toutes les personnes qui se sentent "gentilles" ou "reservées", tout en se sentant "dépressives" sans savoir pourquoi.
Ce livre nous apprend comment communiquer de façon à éviter les incompréhensions et à favoriser un résultat gagnant-gagnant.
Il nous apprend également pourquoi certains types d'éducation finissent par éteindre notre véritable personnalité à force de vouloir cacher nos émotions et paraitre "gentil"!
Ce livre est d'ailleurs devenu une bible pour moi, qui ait toujours été un "gentil", mais connaissant de grosses baisses de moral inexpliquées ;)
Je vais beaucoup mieux depuis que je suis les conseils de ce livre, alors 5 étoiles c'est un minimum!
(Bon OK, je trouve juste un petit défaut au livre, il y a pas mal de répétitions, mais ça n'enlève rien à son intérêt indiscutable ;) )
A recommander à toutes les personnes qui se sentent "gentilles" ou "reservées", tout en se sentant "dépressives" sans savoir pourquoi.
Ce livre nous apprend comment communiquer de façon à éviter les incompréhensions et à favoriser un résultat gagnant-gagnant.
Il nous apprend également pourquoi certains types d'éducation finissent par éteindre notre véritable personnalité à force de vouloir cacher nos émotions et paraitre "gentil"!
Ce livre est d'ailleurs devenu une bible pour moi, qui ait toujours été un "gentil", mais connaissant de grosses baisses de moral inexpliquées ;)
Je vais beaucoup mieux depuis que je suis les conseils de ce livre, alors 5 étoiles c'est un minimum!
(Bon OK, je trouve juste un petit défaut au livre, il y a pas mal de répétitions, mais ça n'enlève rien à son intérêt indiscutable ;) )
-- çavamieux
Ce commentaire fait référence à cette édition : Cessez d'être gentil soyez vrai : Être avec les autres en restant soi-même (Broché)
Ce commentaire fait référence à cette édition : Cessez d'être gentil soyez vrai : Être avec les autres en restant soi-même (Broché)
Saturday, February 8, 2014
Monday, February 3, 2014
L'opinion publique est celle de ceux qui n'ont pas d'idées.
-- Oscar Wilde
-- Oscar Wilde
Saturday, February 1, 2014
Monday, January 27, 2014
J'ai la chance d'aimer le travail que je fais tous les jours, ce n'est
pas le cas de tout le monde donc il faut savoir être conscient de cette
chance. Je le suis.
-- Rafael Nadal
-- Rafael Nadal
Sunday, January 26, 2014
Sunday, January 19, 2014
chacun voit midi à sa porte
Chacun se préoccupe de son propre intérêt avant toute autre chose, et considère ses problèmes ou ses opinions comme étant les plus importants.
Mais chacun voit midi à sa porte, inutile de discuter.
-- Wiktionary
Mais chacun voit midi à sa porte, inutile de discuter.
-- Wiktionary
Loneliness and unpopularity are sometimes the best reasons to feed a desire of artistic expression..and reveal talent
-- Katsuni
-- Katsuni
Friday, January 17, 2014
Wednesday, January 15, 2014
Edward Morrissey
-- Edward Morrissey
I found Edward's blog via a search for a "Rules of a Creator's Life" image. His version was listed among the search results. I like it.
I also like the fact that Edward's blog states that he is a guy following his bliss.
-- Edward Morrissey
I found Edward's blog via a search for a "Rules of a Creator's Life" image. His version was listed among the search results. I like it.
I also like the fact that Edward's blog states that he is a guy following his bliss.
And we've been on a journey. And the debate has raged, hasn't it, since the Greeks, of isn't it what it's all about? Isn't life about the journey, not really the destination? And here we've been on this journey, and the truth is, it's been thrilling. We haven't reached that other shore, and still our sense of pride and commitment, unwavering commitment. When I turned 60, the dream was still alive from having tried this in my 20s, and dreamed it and imagined it.
-- Diana Nyad
I like this quote only because it contains the words "unwavering commitment", something that Mihály Csíkszentmihályi referred to his book "Flow" as essential to a life full of optimal experience.
-- Diana Nyad
I like this quote only because it contains the words "unwavering commitment", something that Mihály Csíkszentmihályi referred to his book "Flow" as essential to a life full of optimal experience.
Tuesday, January 14, 2014
Aujourd’hui nul besoin d’aller à l’université, de se balader avec son portfolio, de faire de la lèche aux galeries et leurs nuées de prétentieux, pas besoin non plus de coucher avec quelqu’un d’influent. Tout ce qu’il vous faut c’est quelques idées et une connexion haut débit. Pour la première fois le monde bourgeois de l’art appartient au peuple. Il s’agit d’en faire quelque chose.
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
En ce qui me concerne, la seule chose qui vaille la peine d’être vu dans la plupart des musées ce sont les étudiantes en arts plastiques.
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Une pensée originale vaut bien un millier de citations.
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
L’esprit n’est jamais aussi vif que lorsqu’on est paranoïaque. Le cerveau explore toutes les possibilités, toutes les alternatives d’une situation donnée. Et tout cela en restant alerte et clair.
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Il existe quatre besoins humains de base : manger, dormir, baiser et se venger.
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les gens sont si avides de révéler les détails de leurs privées au public. Ils oublient qu’être invisible est un super-pouvoir
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
-- Anonymous
This quote could be attributed to Banksy
L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière
L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière, located at 14 Rue de la Grande Chaumière, 75006 Paris, is a workshop dedicated to figure drawing. It offers atelier libres where one can draw from live models.
The following website contains more information about the l'Académie:
L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière, located at 14 Rue de la Grande Chaumière, 75006 Paris, is a workshop dedicated to figure drawing. It offers atelier libres where one can draw from live models.
The following website contains more information about the l'Académie:
Character Designs
Character Designs is an "artist's resource." It contains a plethora of photos that showcase model poses.
Character Designs is an "artist's resource." It contains a plethora of photos that showcase model poses.
PolyKarbonBBS is an "art support community website." It includes references to drawings and poses.
The post that brought me here:
PolyKarbonBBS is an "art support community website." It includes references to drawings and poses.
The post that brought me here:
Monday, January 13, 2014
12-Week Swim Workout Plan for Sprint Triathlons
-- Active
Brian sent me this workout that he as doing.
-- Active
Brian sent me this workout that he as doing.
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Improving Image Tone With Levels In Photoshop
-- Photoshop Essentials
For more information on using the Levels feature on photos, Google "photo editing levels feature"
-- Photoshop Essentials
For more information on using the Levels feature on photos, Google "photo editing levels feature"
Woman goes to the gym for 100 days and makes this timelapse video.
Jovonne's post on Facebook drew me to this video. Below is the text of the post.
This... this took me somewhere... (still in tears) & those of you who know, know. So many folks will see this and commend her for taking care of her body and living differently health wise, but for me the real magic is that she chose to LIVE, she chose life on her terms. the transformation that I stand in awe of didn't come at day 100 ... i commend this beautiful soul for what she did on day one. There is nothing easy about deciding to do what you dont know ... and honestly, may not believe can be done. To decide - DECIDE - to change your life, to believe there IS a life that you can live that is different from what you've known or seen or even been able to imagine ... How exquisitely, terrifyingly brave
Lisa Perry left a comment too that is worth noting. I like the "pushed through the emotional pain" bit.
I am inspired and in awe that she not only started this 100 day journey but she went through the process (not just the motions). Pushed through the emotional pain to show us all what real courage looks like. No doubt she is an entirely new being mind, body, and soul.
Jovonne's post on Facebook drew me to this video. Below is the text of the post.
This... this took me somewhere... (still in tears) & those of you who know, know. So many folks will see this and commend her for taking care of her body and living differently health wise, but for me the real magic is that she chose to LIVE, she chose life on her terms. the transformation that I stand in awe of didn't come at day 100 ... i commend this beautiful soul for what she did on day one. There is nothing easy about deciding to do what you dont know ... and honestly, may not believe can be done. To decide - DECIDE - to change your life, to believe there IS a life that you can live that is different from what you've known or seen or even been able to imagine ... How exquisitely, terrifyingly brave
Lisa Perry left a comment too that is worth noting. I like the "pushed through the emotional pain" bit.
I am inspired and in awe that she not only started this 100 day journey but she went through the process (not just the motions). Pushed through the emotional pain to show us all what real courage looks like. No doubt she is an entirely new being mind, body, and soul.
Friday, January 10, 2014
Thursday, January 9, 2014
Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley
There was a comment that resonated particularly with me:
Marianne Haferkamp
Dec 29 2013: I am a creative person, and I am a kindergarten teacher! While growing up my artistic abilities were never truly fostered by the adults around me, however I am persistent or stubborn or both! I found a way to practice drawing and painting. I joined a small dance studio but soon after my parents could not afford it, so I joined the church choir because it was free. I have vivid memories of my childhood spent imagining, creating, reading, singing, dancing, drawing and painting. I enrolled in every art class possible while in middle school and high school (yes, our public school did have art classes in the 80's). I enrolled in drama class and joined the drama club (the television series, Glee would have been a huge hit if it were created). Funny thing though, I always felt like the "odd girl" with many of my peers and now I've grown into that role so beautifully as the "unique" teacher at school! After college and feeling empty and lost I reenrolled to study fine art. It was either art or prozac! I chose art for the sake of my own two children and my sanity.I studied art with its many forms (no hierarchy for me), but it was sculpture and ceramics I had not had an opportunity to explore! I love ALL forms of art, and apply my knowledge and abilities within my classroom each minute of the day I am with my students. I empower my kindergartners and teach them to know and understand it is they who are the very best artists in the world, and it is unfortunately the adults who will squash their creativity. So my next lesson is to teach them how not to be squashed! I hail Sir Ken Robinson for taking this platform and delivering a meaningful message about creativity and our education system. I finally feel validated as a creative person who has found meaning in life teaching youngsters! I am a prime candidate for teaching at one of those "alternative" schools, and I may just have to look into it. I do agree it would be most practical if the "alternative" were the "norm"!
There was a comment that resonated particularly with me:
Marianne Haferkamp
Dec 29 2013: I am a creative person, and I am a kindergarten teacher! While growing up my artistic abilities were never truly fostered by the adults around me, however I am persistent or stubborn or both! I found a way to practice drawing and painting. I joined a small dance studio but soon after my parents could not afford it, so I joined the church choir because it was free. I have vivid memories of my childhood spent imagining, creating, reading, singing, dancing, drawing and painting. I enrolled in every art class possible while in middle school and high school (yes, our public school did have art classes in the 80's). I enrolled in drama class and joined the drama club (the television series, Glee would have been a huge hit if it were created). Funny thing though, I always felt like the "odd girl" with many of my peers and now I've grown into that role so beautifully as the "unique" teacher at school! After college and feeling empty and lost I reenrolled to study fine art. It was either art or prozac! I chose art for the sake of my own two children and my sanity.I studied art with its many forms (no hierarchy for me), but it was sculpture and ceramics I had not had an opportunity to explore! I love ALL forms of art, and apply my knowledge and abilities within my classroom each minute of the day I am with my students. I empower my kindergartners and teach them to know and understand it is they who are the very best artists in the world, and it is unfortunately the adults who will squash their creativity. So my next lesson is to teach them how not to be squashed! I hail Sir Ken Robinson for taking this platform and delivering a meaningful message about creativity and our education system. I finally feel validated as a creative person who has found meaning in life teaching youngsters! I am a prime candidate for teaching at one of those "alternative" schools, and I may just have to look into it. I do agree it would be most practical if the "alternative" were the "norm"!
ted talk
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