Sunday, January 12, 2014

Woman goes to the gym for 100 days and makes this timelapse video.

Jovonne's post on Facebook drew me to this video.  Below is the text of the post.

This... this took me somewhere... (still in tears) & those of you who know, know. So many folks will see this and commend her for taking care of her body and living differently health wise, but for me the real magic is that she chose to LIVE, she chose life on her terms. the transformation that I stand in awe of didn't come at day 100 ... i commend this beautiful soul for what she did on day one. There is nothing easy about deciding to do what you dont know ... and honestly, may not believe can be done. To decide - DECIDE - to change your life, to believe there IS a life that you can live that is different from what you've known or seen or even been able to imagine ... How exquisitely, terrifyingly brave

Lisa Perry left a comment too that is worth noting.  I like the "pushed through the emotional pain" bit.

I am inspired and in awe that she not only started this 100 day journey but she went through the process (not just the motions). Pushed through the emotional pain to show us all what real courage looks like. No doubt she is an entirely new being mind, body, and soul.