Sunday, July 3, 2011

Si je pouvais être tous les jours habillé comme en week-end, je le ferais.  Maintenant, il faut quand même se rendre compte que quand on travaille, on est obligé quand meme de faire un petit peu pour le regard des autres.

Ce look c'est surtout pour ne pas rentrer dans le moule, ne pas être comme tout le monde, être marginale de toute manière, c'est faire passer un message.

-- Unknown, A chacun son histoire, Direct 8
Chaque semaine, une femme, un homme, un couple et une famille nous dévoile leur choix de vie.
Ce soir, vous allez découvrir des personnes hors normes.
Ils ont un don, un physique ou une allure particulière.
Leur différence, ils en ont fait leur force.
Pour être bien dans leur peau, ils n'ont qu'un choix : ils s'assument, quitte a ne pas toujours être compris par les autres.

-- A chacun son histoire, Direct 8

Leadership Lessons from Dancing Guy

The overwhelming fear of being wrong
Simon Sinek is the author of “Start With Why”. He understands that we make decisions based on our emotional response more than our rational response. He gives great insight into how great leaders and organizations tap into this when they focus on their purpose and let that shine through in their products, the way they relate to customers, and how they do what they do. Come have breakfast with Simon and leave inspired and armed with the right arguments for why you should fight to keep your personal and organizational aspirations at the center of the conversation. We instantly recognized that Simon was talking about exactly what we found was the key to success amongst our clients – purpose – what it is, and why it works.

-- Unknown
It's the magical partnership of the person with their head in the clouds & the person with their feet on the ground that creates progress.

-- Simon Sinek
A group of followers has strength because of its numbers. A following has power because of its beliefs.

-- Simon Sinek
A leader must listen to her supporters but need only hear her detractors.

-- Simon Sinek
Your vision is only actionable if you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, it will remain a figment of your imagination.

-- Simon Sinek
A mentor is not someone who walks ahead of you to show you how they did it. A mentor walks alongside you to show you what you can do.

-- Simon Sinek
When emotions are involved, we must ask ourselves before we act "what good will come from my decision." If the answer is none, move on.

-- Simon Sinek
Stand for people. Not a product or service or metric or number. Stand for real, living, breathing people & you will change the world

-- Simon Sinek
Progress is more important than perfection.

-- Simon Sinek
Any sacrifice must be in pursuit of something greater AND have a foreseeable end point. If it doesn't, it's not sacrifice, it's torture.

-- Simon Sinek
lack of time + lack of resources + optimism = innovation

-- Simon Sinek
Too many spend their lives climbing the ladder only to realize when they reach the top that they climbed the wrong ladder.

-- Rebecca Armstrong
Leadership isn't communicating what you need, leadership is communicating what you can contribute.

-- Simon Sinek
You can't motivate others, you can only create an environment in which they can motivate themselves. DISC Assessment

-- Unknown
Directions are instructions given to explain how. Direction is a vision offered to explain why.

-- Simon Sinek