Saturday, October 5, 2013


2 lbs (7 cups) of all-purpose flour
4 eggs
pinch of salt
2 TBsp of butter
1-1½ cup of sugar
About 1 cup of water
Vegetable oil (for frying)

1. Mix everything (add egg, then water last).
   -Make sure the flour looks like big crumbs after adding eggs
   -Pour water

2. Knead the dough, keep adding water but do not make it too soft, because it is harder to cut and it joins together in frying pan

3. Sprinkle flour on cutting board and pin.

4. Roll dough flat.

5. Make sure you can work with dough.  It should be neither too hard nor too soft.

6. Put it in sieve and shake excess flour.

7. Fry on medium because it does not take long to cook.

8. Taste to make sure sugar is enough.

9. Take it out when it gets yellow because it gets darker.