Wednesday, May 13, 2015

In his best-known book, Purple Cow, Seth’s message was, “Everyone’s a marketer now.” In All Marketers Are Liars, his message was, “Everyone’s a storyteller now.” In Tribes, his message was, “Everyone’s a leader now.”

And from Linchpin?

"Everyone’s an artist now."

By Seth’s definition, an artist is not just some person who messes around with paint and brushes, an artist is somebody who does (and I LOVE this term) “emotional work.”

Work that you put your heart and soul into. Work that matters. Work that you gladly sacrifice all other alternatives for.

-- Hugh MacLeod

Robert Morris reviewing Seth Godin's "Linchpin".

What I like here is the idea that I resonated with this book because I view myself not necessarily as a marketer, a storyteller, or a leader, but as an artist.  If an artist is somebody who does "emotional work", what I must do is "emotional work".  And what is emotional work?

Work that I put my heart and soul into.
Work that matters.
Work that I gladly sacrifice all other alternatives for.