Tuesday, December 16, 2014

The Ten Layers of Absolute Freedom

The world is divided into angry people and free people.

Anger is a subset of fear. Maybe you are afraid to be lonely. Or afraid to be broke. Or afraid to die?

In 1994, 2001, 2005, 2008, and 2010 I was so angry and scared I didn't know what to do.

I thought I had to have a purpose, a goal. But this is BS.

There is only ONE purpose: TO BE FREE.

There are layers of freedom.

FIRST LAYER: Free from your own past and future. Which means: free of all regrets and petty hatreds from the past and anxieties and worries about the future.

#2: The next layer of freedom is to be free of other people's opinions of you. You never ride above the clouds if everyone is holding you down into the rain.

#3: The next layer: be free of the opinions of the masses.

#4: The next layer: be free of the word "CAN'T".

#5: The next layer of freedom: find someone who likes what you are doing.

#6: Now that people like something you are doing, start thinking of something you can charge for. A premium version of what you are doing.

#7: Another layer of freedom: ONLY do your best work 2-5 hours after you wake up.

#8: You don't need a lot to live like a king.

#9: Freedom is a path you choose every day.

#10: Final freedom layer: Realize that everyone you meet today has been sent down from an alien mother ship to teach you a lesson. Learn those lessons.

-- James Altucher