Saturday, October 5, 2013

jollof rice

cinq à six tomates
un poivron
un oignon
une tasse de bouillon de poulet
un et demi à deux tasses de riz
un demi cuillerée à soupe d'huile végétale
du sel
des condiments (sel, sel assaisonné, poivre de Cayenne, thym, curry)

1. Slice the tomatoes, red pepper, and onion.

2. Add the tomatoes, red pepper, ¾ of onion, and chicken broth into blender.

3. Chop, grind, and blend the mix in the blender.

4. Place the vegetable oil with the remaining onion in a pot and heat for
about 5 minutes.

5. Pour the blended mixture into the pot.

6. Preheat the oven to 350 º.

7. Add the rice and the condiments into the pot and cook for 10 minutes.

8. Pour the pot's contents into an aluminium foil tray and even out the rice
over the blended mixture.

9. Place the aluminum tray in the oven and bake.