Saturday, June 11, 2011

why exploration questions

Edwin Jansen created the doc: "Why Exploration Questions"

In Simon's Why University Discovery course there are lots of questions that will help you explore your Why. Here are some supplemental questions that I have found to work. With each, remember to keep asking why this is important so that you explore beneath the surface level.
  1. In your life so far, what are your greatest accomplishments?  Why did you do these things?
  2. If you were hosting a dinner party and invited five famous people, who would they be and what you want to know from them?
  3. What do you find to be the most inspiring and uplifting characteristics of other people?
  4. What do you like best about yourself?
  5. What do you need to have accomplished to have lived a life without regrets?
  6. What is your greatest fear and how do you deal with it?
  7. What do you want to prevent other people from having to experience?
  8. What are two things that just don’t work in this world?
  9. What injustices cause you to be outraged?
  10. What needs to stop?
  11. What needs to start?
  12. What would you do if you had a magic wand?
  13. What would you be doing if it was impossible to fail?