Monday, December 20, 2010

Blinded By Your Own Product
The standard of what constitutes doing something of value is your own.

-- Simon Sinek
Having a voice is one that is clearly differentiated from society. It may be one inspired from one or more outside sources, even society, but the voice is personal.

-- Unknown
That pipe also taught me valuable lesson: the greatest thing about not fitting is that you don't fit in.

-- Simon Sinek
I figured if I couldn't get it to blend in, I'd make it stand out.

-- Simon Sinek
If you see things others can't and you're from the right side of the curve, they call you insane. If you see things others can't and you're from the left side, they call you a visionary. If you march to the beat of your own drum from the right side, they call you an outcast. If you march to the beat of your own drum from the left side, they call you unique or authentic.

-- Simon Sinek
If we want to be strict, a vision is the public statement an organization uses to describe its WHY. It should have nothing to do with what the organization does, the products it produces or the services it offers. It should have no comparative language like better or best. It shouldn't be about the organization at all, in fact. It should be about the world those in the organization imagine. The world they want to build. That's the reason it's called a vision - it's something you can see - something far away that does not exist yet. "What's your vision?" means tell me what the world looks like if everything goes your way.

-- Simon Sinek
Wow, what a great post. I guess sometimes we all need to remember that to soar with the eagles, we need to stop trotting with the turkeys.

-- Unknown
I heard a story of a man who set up two fishbowls and filled one with a marble for every week he has left to live. At the end of each week, if he did something that he felt was worth something, he took one marble out of one fish bowl and put it in the other. If he didn't do anything of value, he threw the marble away. That's a pretty stark reminder. You actually have to throw the marble away - a week wasted. A week you'll never get back. The standard of what constitutes doing something of value is your own. It's a feeling. Maybe it's helping your kid with their homework. Maybe it's helping someone across the street. Maybe it's quitting the job you hate to go do something you love. Or maybe it's just sharing an idea that will inspire others to love every week they have left.

-- Simon Sinek
Some people who suffer from a terminal illness have a sense of urgency to do something fulfilling before it's too late. They set out to complete their bucket list because they know when the end is. Some even seem to have an incredible appreciation for everyday they have left. It would be great if we all lived everyday as if it were our last, but we know it's probably not, so we don't.

-- Unknown
The American team believed they could match the British, even if everyone else thought they couldn't. Had the American team bought into the expectations others had for them, then their loss would have been inevitable because they would have played believing they had to lose.

--Simon Sinek

This only illustrates that you act according to your belief. Right now I am writing -- and I have been writing for a long time -- and I have spoken for such a long time -- about the same thing, so I am probably already acting according to my belief? The one that I have a voice?"

Monday, December 6, 2010

"Mon Dieu donne-moi le courage de changer les choses que je peux changer, la sérénité d'accepter celles que je ne peux pas changer et la sagesse d'en voir la différence", dit une prière stoïcienne attribuée à Marc-Aurèle.

-- Renaud Perronnet
C'est vrai que nous sommes issus de la culture de la punition. Or la punition ne permet pas à un être humain d'apprendre à assumer ses actes, elle lui permet tout juste d'en avoir peur, elle mine donc (comme vous le pressentez dans votre question) sa propre estime de lui-même. La seule manière, pour un être humain, de pouvoir ne pas indéfiniment répéter ses erreurs c'est de les reconnaître comme telles, ce que justement la culpabilité interdit.

-- Unknown

Friday, December 3, 2010

If you already achieved one goal and don't feel as inspired by your new goal, even though you are taking all the same steps, it's not because the goal is unclear, it's because you don't know the journey you are on. It is the journey that inspires, the goals work to remind us that we are on the right track.

-- Simon Sinek
Companies, like people, should never change who they are so others will like them; they should find those who likes them for who they are.

-- Simon Sinek
If you want to achieve anything in this world, you have to get used to the idea that not everyone will like you.

-- Simon Sinek
Look for your passion. What makes you excited? What turns you on? ... Go towards companies that you really like, really admire ... What do you admire about them? Spend if you can an internship there, or just knock on the door and say: 'Hey, can I work here for cheap? ... Find organizations that move your spirit if you can. Work along side them ... And have fun. There's so much fun to be had ... When you spend 95% of your life in a work environment, it can't be dour.

-- Anita Roddic
To establish a place of work where engineers can feel the joy of technological innovation, be aware of their mission to society, and work to their heart's content

-- Masaru Ibuka
Greatness starts with a problem that needs solving. The opportunity comes from marketing a solution that works. Sharing that solution becomes a cause. The cause inspires people to help. And when people are inspired to help, organizations become great.

-- Simon Sinek
Accumulation or reaching some measurable goal is not success - that's achievement. Success is a feeling.

-- Simon Sinek
People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.

-- Unknown
When you ask others to help you do something, they do it for you. When you inspire others to volunteer to help, they do it for themselves.

-- Simon Sinek
Find those who believe what we believe, who like what you like & who just "get you." If you don't you'll be lonely. If you do, you'll be inspired.

-- Simon Sinek
How to write a vision statement: Imagine a world, a world that would be if all you did went perfectly. Writing it down makes it a statement.

-- Simon Sinek
No life is ordinary. Life is simply a series of decisions. Tomorrow, make one decision that scares you a little. Just a little :)

--Simon Sinek
Before you can claim to understand others you have to really understand yourself.

-- Unknown
Don't cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.

-- Dr. Seuss
If you wanna know if you're living your values look at how you choose to spend your money & your time

-- Frumi Barr
Emotions aren't smooth & shiny, they are rough & uncertain. Yet despite that, we still have to risk sharing them before they have value

-- Unknown
Safe is good for sidewalks and swimming pools, but life requires risk if you are to get anywhere.

-- Unknown
Point the future & describe, in clear terms, the world you imagine. If others volunteer to help build that future you become a leader.

-- Simon Sinek
Life is a series of decisions. If you know why you wake up everyday & where you want to go, the decisions are easy & you stay happy.

-- Simon Sinek
The modern version of stopping to smell the roses is taking the time to look out the window on a plane - it really is pretty out there.

--Simon Sinek
Success is waking up everyday at peace with the life you live and the decisions you've made.

-- Simon Sinek