Monday, February 29, 2016

Have you changed your mind? Have you learned stuff about your body from all this technology?

Yeah, with all the different wearable technology, and the way we're analyzing how players move -- it's valuable information when it's used the right way. I try not to think about it when I'm on the court, like, "Oh, my release felt half-a-second slow that time." Or: "I didn't create enough force on that crossover."

But when I'm working out in the summer, being able to analyze the different ways I move, and making it more efficient and explosive -- that all has provided dividends, for sure. It helps. But when you're on the court, you want to be free. You want to react to what's in front of you, and not be all clogged up in your head.


Excerpt from an interview with Stephen Curry, point guard of the Golden State Warriors