A friend of mine, who seems pretty happy in his current career, calls this "embracing your own fabulousness." He said that people who are unhappy fail to recognize and embrace how fabulous they are, so they can't express or share their fabulousness with others. I completely agree.
Creating a fulfilling career may seem to require a lot of effort, but the real challenges are emotional and spiritual, not physical and financial. The path from a no to a yes is largely an emotional journey. It runs through fields of buried desires, self-esteem issues, and unexpressed values. You will face many challenges along the way, none greater than facing your own fears.
Through this process of consciously shifting your values, you've changed from a gym rat to an entrepreneur to a philanthropist. You've lived an amazing life. But if you always maintain your original values, you'll only experience being a gym rat for your entire life. And most of your true potential would remain untapped.
-- Steve Pavlina