Monday, November 14, 2016

What if this election is a blessing in disguise? Why? Because people don't change when they're comfortable. If we had gotten a candidate that made us comfortable, it wouldn't have made us change, it would have us sleep. And it is time to wake up from some very deep illusions. Illusions like we can push a button every four years, get a sticker and then go home, and binge watch an episode of "Game of Thrones", and our civic duty is done. No.

-- Prince Ea

People don't change when they're comfortable. True. Maybe that's the ingredient I need.

Saturday, November 12, 2016

Stop Worrying about the Election

-- Mises Institute

I found this following a link to an article about freedom from the Wikipedia page for "The Shawshank Redemption". The original comment: Angus C. Larcombe suggests that the film provides a great illustration of how characters can be free, even in prison, or unfree, even in freedom, based on one's outlook in life.

Friday, November 11, 2016

You're a smbdy when pple around u know u. You're a nobody when pple around u don't know u. Trick is to act the same no matter who's around u

-- Simon Sinek

Saturday, November 5, 2016

How To Add Information To The Windows Task Manager

-- Ghacks

How to set the Flickr cover photo


I've been using this as a workaround:

1. Create a 2048 x 768 (72 dpi) image. Fill with black.

2. Crop your cover photo to 2048 x 402.

3. Paste and center the cover photo onto the black background created in step 1.

4. Save as JPEG and upload to Flickr.

Here are some examples:

Once you have added the image as the Group cover photo, you can delete it from your Photostream.

[edited for extra clarity]
-- Flickr