Monday, January 27, 2014

J'ai la chance d'aimer le travail que je fais tous les jours, ce n'est pas le cas de tout le monde donc il faut savoir être conscient de cette chance. Je le suis.

-- Rafael Nadal

Wealth Inequality in America

Sunday, January 26, 2014

It is by becoming familiar with the inventions of others that one learns, in art, to invent oneself.

-- Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres

Sunday, January 19, 2014



VIDEO - Macklemore et Ryan Lewis tapent le bœuf dans un bus!cqTpIWnu5AE6U/

-- metronews



Anissa Kate is a porn star.

The crowdfunding boss inspired by her parents' struggles

-- BBC

chacun voit midi à sa porte

Chacun se préoccupe de son propre intérêt avant toute autre chose, et considère ses problèmes ou ses opinions comme étant les plus importants.

Mais chacun voit midi à sa porte, inutile de discuter.

-- Wiktionary

Move Back to Nigeria: Never Been to Nigeria Before but Here To Stay! American-Born Vivian Nwakah Tells Her Story

-- Bella Naija

With A Piece Of Chalk - JuBaFilms

Loneliness and unpopularity are sometimes the best reasons to feed a desire of artistic expression..and reveal talent

-- Katsuni

Friday, January 17, 2014

In this lifetime how will you use the power in your voice? Will you give back to the world what you receive, or are you just taking?

-- Lady Gaga

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

When I was 5 years old, my mother always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down 'happy'. They told me I didn't understand the assignment, and I told them they didn't understand life.

-- John Lennon

Edward Morrissey

-- Edward Morrissey

I found Edward's blog via a search for a "Rules of a Creator's Life" image.  His version was listed among the search results.  I like it.

I also like the fact that Edward's blog states that he is a guy following his bliss.
And we've been on a journey. And the debate has raged, hasn't it, since the Greeks, of isn't it what it's all about? Isn't life about the journey, not really the destination? And here we've been on this journey, and the truth is, it's been thrilling. We haven't reached that other shore, and still our sense of pride and commitment, unwavering commitment. When I turned 60, the dream was still alive from having tried this in my 20s, and dreamed it and imagined it.

-- Diana Nyad

I like this quote only because it contains the words "unwavering commitment", something that Mihály Csíkszentmihályi referred to his book "Flow" as essential to a life full of optimal experience.

Diana Nyad: Never, ever give up

Tuesday, January 14, 2014


Aujourd’hui nul besoin d’aller à l’université, de se balader avec son portfolio, de faire de la lèche aux galeries et leurs nuées de prétentieux, pas besoin non plus de coucher avec quelqu’un d’influent. Tout ce qu’il vous faut c’est quelques idées et une connexion haut débit. Pour la première fois le monde bourgeois de l’art appartient au peuple. Il s’agit d’en faire quelque chose.

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy
En ce qui me concerne, la seule chose qui vaille la peine d’être vu dans la plupart des musées ce sont les étudiantes en arts plastiques.

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Une pensée originale vaut bien un millier de citations.

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy
L’esprit n’est jamais aussi vif que lorsqu’on est paranoïaque. Le cerveau explore toutes les possibilités, toutes les alternatives d’une situation donnée. Et tout cela en restant alerte et clair.

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Il existe quatre besoins humains de base : manger, dormir, baiser et se venger.

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy
Je ne comprends pas pourquoi les gens sont si avides de révéler les détails de leurs privées au public. Ils oublient qu’être invisible est un super-pouvoir

-- Anonymous

This quote could be attributed to Banksy

CRUMB – From the Underground to the Genesis

-- Kunst PresseSchau

Une splendide rétrospective Robert Crumb au Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris

-- Bodoï

L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière

L'Académie de la Grande Chaumière, located at 14 Rue de la Grande Chaumière, 75006 Paris, is a workshop dedicated to figure drawing.  It offers atelier libres where one can draw from live models.

The following website contains more information about the l'Académie:

Character Designs

Character Designs is an "artist's resource." It contains a plethora of photos that showcase model poses.


PolyKarbonBBS is an "art support community website."  It includes references to drawings and poses.

The post that brought me here:

Sunday, January 12, 2014

Improving Image Tone With Levels In Photoshop

-- Photoshop Essentials

For more information on using the Levels feature on photos, Google "photo editing levels feature"

Woman goes to the gym for 100 days and makes this timelapse video.

Jovonne's post on Facebook drew me to this video.  Below is the text of the post.

This... this took me somewhere... (still in tears) & those of you who know, know. So many folks will see this and commend her for taking care of her body and living differently health wise, but for me the real magic is that she chose to LIVE, she chose life on her terms. the transformation that I stand in awe of didn't come at day 100 ... i commend this beautiful soul for what she did on day one. There is nothing easy about deciding to do what you dont know ... and honestly, may not believe can be done. To decide - DECIDE - to change your life, to believe there IS a life that you can live that is different from what you've known or seen or even been able to imagine ... How exquisitely, terrifyingly brave

Lisa Perry left a comment too that is worth noting.  I like the "pushed through the emotional pain" bit.

I am inspired and in awe that she not only started this 100 day journey but she went through the process (not just the motions). Pushed through the emotional pain to show us all what real courage looks like. No doubt she is an entirely new being mind, body, and soul.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Fish and frogs living out of water - BBC

"To be is to do."

-- Socrates

6 Harsh Truths That Will Make You a Better Person

-- Cracked

Ken Robinson: How to escape education's death valley

There was a comment that resonated particularly with me:

Marianne Haferkamp
Dec 29 2013: I am a creative person, and I am a kindergarten teacher! While growing up my artistic abilities were never truly fostered by the adults around me, however I am persistent or stubborn or both! I found a way to practice drawing and painting. I joined a small dance studio but soon after my parents could not afford it, so I joined the church choir because it was free. I have vivid memories of my childhood spent imagining, creating, reading, singing, dancing, drawing and painting. I enrolled in every art class possible while in middle school and high school (yes, our public school did have art classes in the 80's). I enrolled in drama class and joined the drama club (the television series, Glee would have been a huge hit if it were created). Funny thing though, I always felt like the "odd girl" with many of my peers and now I've grown into that role so beautifully as the "unique" teacher at school! After college and feeling empty and lost I reenrolled to study fine art. It was either art or prozac! I chose art for the sake of my own two children and my sanity.I studied art with its many forms (no hierarchy for me), but it was sculpture and ceramics I had not had an opportunity to explore! I love ALL forms of art, and apply my knowledge and abilities within my classroom each minute of the day I am with my students. I empower my kindergartners and teach them to know and understand it is they who are the very best artists in the world, and it is unfortunately the adults who will squash their creativity. So my next lesson is to teach them how not to be squashed! I hail Sir Ken Robinson for taking this platform and delivering a meaningful message about creativity and our education system. I finally feel validated as a creative person who has found meaning in life teaching youngsters! I am a prime candidate for teaching at one of those "alternative" schools, and I may just have to look into it. I do agree it would be most practical if the "alternative" were the "norm"!