Saturday, June 22, 2013

My belief is stronger than your doubt.

-- Dwayne Wade

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Jay-Z, Justin Timberlake, Nas & Timbaland Snapped in the Studio

-- Billboard

wounded inner child

The wounded “Inner Child” is the egocentric, severed parts of me that was hurt, terrified, vulnerable and neglected and never allowed to express itself.

-- Center for Self Discovery

dina martinez - authentic

The wounded "Inner Child"
\When you are overthinking too much, you get into your own way.

-- Chris Bosh

inner child

the childlike usu. hidden part of a person's personality that is characterized by playfulness, spontaneity, and creativity usu. accompanied by anger, hurt, and fear attributable to childhood experiences

-- Merriam-Webster

inner child

Your inner child is the part of your personality that still reacts and feels like a child.

Many therapists think it's important for adults to get in touch with their inner child.

-- Cambridge Dictionaries Online
There are many things we will need to comprise throughout our lives. Who we are should never be one of them.

-- Simon Sinek
Our vision is only actionable if we share it. Without sharing, it’s just a figment of our imagination.

-- Simon Sinek
De que sirve una buena idea si se queda como idea? Intenta. Experimenta. Interacciona. Falla. Intenta de nuevo. Cambia el mundo.

-- Unknown

in·ner child

A person's supposed original or true self, esp. when regarded as damaged or concealed by negative childhood experiences.

-- Google
As the German philosopher Nietzsche put it, maturity is 'the rediscovery of the seriousness we had as a child - at play'.

-- Unknown
But you can blow and you nice, sisters them raps is vicious
The raps the sisters recite with their black fist up

-- Talib Kweli

Her raps are empowering to women, especially black women who feel proud of themselves when there listening to Lauryn's music.

-- RapGenius
My problem is not saying something smart. My problem is not being afraid of saying something stupid.

-- PaulaBlue89

une personne transparente

une personne qui laisse facilement deviner ses pensées, ses émotions, ses jugements sur autrui, et parfois même ses désirs, ses projets

-- Le Petit Robert
Un plaisir immense à dessiner d'un nouvel oeil
Ce livre, sur lequel je suis tombée par hasard, mais y a-t-il un hasard, est arrivé à point et converge parfaitement avec le travail de développement personnel dans lequel je suis engagée depuis un certain temps. Le fait de travailler, par différentes techniques, avec le cerveau droit, celui de l'intuition et de la créativité, synchroniquement avec le gauche, celui de la logique, fait faire un bond en avant non négligeable, que certains nommeraient quantique. Je ne suis pas une dessinatrice débutante mais j'avoue que ce que je fais maintenant n'a qu'un rapport très lointain avec ce que je dessinais il y a peu de temps encore. C'est enthousiasmant.

-- F. Annie Claire

Ce commentaire fait référence à cette édition : The New Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain (Broché)
Service is not doing what's required of us, service is doing more than what's required of us.

-- Simon Sinek
The only way to defeat pessimism is with optimism.

-- Simon Sinek
Optimism is the ability to focus on where we're going, not where we're coming from.

-- Simon Sinek
Leaders are only truly in charge when they inspire others to take charge.

-- Simon Sinek
It's easy to be honest. Just tell the truth.

-- Simon Sinek
What's your true calling? What is your purpose? What is your Why? Oprah Winfrey inspired graduates at Harvard's 362nd Commencement to build resumes that tell stories not only about what they want to be but also about WHO they want to be and WHY. Please watch and share this video with all the students and new grads you know.

-- Unknown
Sometimes we avoid the truth for fear we may offend someone. But isn't the point of honesty to tell the truth no matter what?

-- Simon Sinek
"Every one of us wants this really badly, from the top on down," Duncan said. "We're trying to play that way."

He wants another ring for himself. He's the only Spurs player who would have five. He has little time remaining. Yes, this is about his own wants. It doesn't mean he has abandoned the Spurs' team concept. It doesn't mean he has done anything on the court that's out of character. Pride and ego can be good things when managed the right way.

Ginobili just showed it.

-- J.A. Adande